Upgraded Red Dog Lift Review at MAC Meeting

Exciting News!!!

New Red Dog Lift proposal to be presented at the October 4th Municipal Advisory Meeting…

Red Dog Chairlift Conditional Use Permit Modification: County Staff will provide an overview of a proposed modification to the Conditional Use Permit for the Red Dog Chairlift.  The proposed modification would upgrade and relocate the lower chairlift terminal to approximately 600 feet east of its current location. This project proposes to retain the current location of the upper terminal, but would include a modified terminal design,  a new alignment for the lift itself, and an upgraded chairlift. This Conditional Use Permit Modification will return to the MAC as an action item at a future date.  Presenter: Stacy Wydra, Senior Planner, Placer County

Location and Time:

6:oo PM, Thursday, October 4, 2018
Squaw Valley Public Utility District – Community Meeting Room
305 Squaw Valley Road
Olympic Valley, CA