Friends of Olympic Valley Response to Palisades Tahoe Village Plan

On January 19th, Palisade Tahoe will present the Revised Environmental Impact Report (REIR) to the Placer Planning Commission.  The size and scale of the Village plan is exactly as was proposed in 2016.  This includes the same number of bedrooms, parking garage and the large Mountain Adventure Park.  Palisades Tahoe believes that they do not have to submit a completely new Environmental Impact plan as they note:

“Finally, there is no known new information that would result in new or substantially more severe environmental impacts since certification of the EIR 6 years ago. Therefore, this REIR addresses only those issues raised in the Ruling. No other chapters or portions of the 2016 EIR are addressed in this REIR as no new information or new circumstances exist that would warrant revision of these other chapters or portions”. (Page 1-8, Revised EIR).

The Friends of Olympic Valley disagree. The following “severe environmental”, social and economic changes clearly warrant a completely new EIR review:

  • Extended multi-year drought conditions
  • Olympic Valley water demands
  • Increased risk of wildfire
  • Transportation and lack of realistic evacuation route
  • Increased tourism placing strain on Lake Tahoe Region
  • Increased real estate values

If you agree with our viewpoint, we would ask that you send an email to (Placer accepting comments until January 30).

To:  Placer County Community Development Resource Agency:

I (we) support the Friends of Olympic Valley position and request that Placer County require Palisades Tahoe to submit a new EIR that takes into consideration all the substantially new environmental, social and economic impacts that have developed since the originally EIR was approved.

Details are in the following position paper.