Sierra Watch lawsuit against Squaw Village Update


Hearing for oral argument by both sides has been set for July 21st, 2021 in the Third District Court of Appeals.


Sierra Watch’s lawsuit is based on California Environmental law. There are several arguments Sierra Watch made that the Village approval process does not comply with the California Environmental Quality Act.  One of these addresses whether or not the higher standards required within the Tahoe Basin drainage into Lake Tahoe should be applied. Other arguments address the sufficiency of the 2,000 page environmental document prepared by the Village developers.

Sierra Watch has also contended that the approval process violated the Brown Act (not posting an action item on the agenda).  If successful, this issue will require the Village approval to again be submitted to the Placer County Board of Supervisors.

The Village plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors.  The first stage of the Sierra Watch lawsuit was a challenge to the California Superior Court which was denied.  That denial is now being evaluated by the Third District Court of Appeals.

After hearing from both sides on July 21st, the matter will be decided within 90 days of these oral arguments.