We Need Your Support….
A truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has been presented to the Olympic Valley community. We have all driven by the For Sale sign on the 29.6-acre Poulsen compound property for years.
Fortunately for us, despite the fact that about half of the land is zoned for high density development – up to 300 more bedrooms could be built – no one has bought it.
Now, thanks to the cooperative efforts of the Olympic Valley Public Service District (PSD) and the Truckee Donner Land Trust (TDLT), a contract to acquire the property has been signed. The listing has been removed from the market and funding is being sought to complete the acquisition. Once the land is secured, there will be a community wide process to determine how best to use the land “to preserve natural resources and to benefit the public”.
It is important to understand that PSD and TDLT have only taken the land off the market for a limited amount of time. It will be up to the community, through donations, grants, perhaps taxation, and other means to actually finance the purchase. This process will be complex, and money will be needed not only for the appraised value but also to aid the financial planning process.
In order to realize the goal of purchasing the Poulsen property, now called “Olympic Meadow,” we believe that members of the community should donate directly to the Truckee Donner Land Trust.
Click below or on the “Donate Now” button on the right side of the page. Please earmark your donation specifically “to support the Olympic Meadow project.”
The Friends of Olympic Valley Board of Directors wholeheartedly support this acquisition and have individually donated directly to TDLT.
Won’t you please join us?
Additionally, FoOV will also incur expenses (marketing, community outreach, etc.) over the next year to help achieve the goal of acquiring “Olympic Meadow” for our community. You can continue to contribute directly to us via our GoFundMe Page:
Please send checks, made out to Friends of Olympic Valley to:
Friends of Olympic Valley
PO Box 2823
Olympic Valley, CA 96146
Be sure to include your return mailing address so that we may send a tax deductible letter of thanks to you.